So your see your artwork on SizeChangeBooru. What exactly is SizeChangeBooru?

SizeChangeBooru is a community site where people can share their favorite Size Change art. Having your art on SizeChangeBooru is really no different than having it on GiantessCity; both sites are hosted for free by producers of the community, both sites are managed and moderated by the artists of the community, and both sites are for freely sharing and browsing the giantess artwork the community has created over the years, while also giving the Size Change community a place to share and enjoy their fetish.

SizeChangeBooru is an image sharing site where anyone can upload Size Change artwork. The majority of the Size Change community browses SizeChangeBooru daily and it is one of the most popular Size Change sites on the net.

If you find your artwork on SizeChangeBooru, it is because someone said "This is a beautiful / awesome / amazing piece of Size Change art. The world should see it!" Every single image is carefully reviewed by a member of the community before it makes it to the front page of SizeChangeBooru. Our goal is to create an open archive of the community's best works. To have your work on SizeChangeBooru is because someone in the community thought your work was simply fantastic! We do not simply dump or upload images in bulk, we carefully select and try to attribute each work to the proper artist. We WANT to credit you with your artwork so that as your fans we can search for more of it! :)

SizeChangeBooru gives you exposure as an artist and allows people who do not browse GiantessCity a chance to see your art and know your name. On SizeChangeBooru people do not have to log in or create an account to view and enjoy your artwork. Everything on SizeChangeBooru is out in the open for everyone to enjoy. SizeChangeBooru is a site moderated and run by the artists of the Size Change community just like you. Our goal is to create a free archive of images where everyone can browse the best works of the community both past and present.

We do employ a "bot" that browses the internet as a whole for giantess images- but she is a small part of the overall picture when it comes to SizeChangeBooru. She simply allows us to save time in finding and downloading size change artwork. (Otherwise we'd have to do it all by hand, this gives us more time to focus on organizing and tagging artwork.) She simply presents to us a list of images she finds on the internet and from there the moderators choose what they feel are the best ones to make it onto SizeChangeBooru. At the end of the day it is a human that decides if your artwork is uploaded to SizeChangeBooru or not. A human who says "This art is great, everyone needs to see this." :D The moderator then adds keywords, such as the name of the artist who created it so that it can be easily searched and found by the artist's fans. (But because not every image contains an artist's signature, moderators do not always know who created the image.)

SizeChangeBooru is free and will always be free for everyone to use. We have small advertisement banners at the top and bottom of the page to pay for hosting and bandwidth costs like many other sites do to pay for GiantessCity's bandwidth and hosting costs. SizeChangeBooru in every way shape and form is about supporting the community and sharing artwork.

Before you request your artwork taken down, please consider your fans outside of GiantessCity. You have posted your images to the internet to share with the world and fellow giantess fans- why would you want to restrict sharing those images with only those who browse GiantessCity?

If you are a collager, you are already taking images that do not belong to you (city backgrounds and models are copyrighted to the photographers and models) and re-uploading them to the internet. If you don't own the original images or don't have permission to use them in your collage, isn't it a little hypocritical trying to restrict who shares your collages? :) If you are making your collages for people to freely enjoy, why be upset when people share them because they enjoy them?

And finally, becoming a part of SizeChangeBooru is easy! Signing up to SizeChangeBooru only requires a screen name and a password. You don't even need to give your email address. With an account you can edit the tags of the images and add your name and even your website into the source field! We want you to claim and tag your images because it allows for everyone, especially your fans to easily search for your artwork.

If you really, really do not want your artwork on SizeChangeBooru, removing your images is also incredibly easy. Simply sign up to SizeChangeBooru and next to every image on the left hand side is a "Report this image" button. Enter why you want the image taken down and press the button! :) A moderator should take down the image in 24-48 hours, depending how busy the site is at the time.

However, please consider that by sharing your artwork with the world you make everyone happy! Your art appears on SizeChangeBooru because someone enjoyed it and wanted everyone to see it. As a collager and artist myself that is the best kind of compliment! :D So please reconsider before taking down your artwork.

Thank you for your time and please stop by SizeChangeBooru and have a look at all it has to offer for both you as an artist and the Size Change community as a whole. :)

Pete Smith, Admin